Q: What kind of sites are not allowed to be promoted in the adboard?
A: You are not allowed to include any adult content, illegal content, or other hated contents.
Q: What kind of sites are not allowed to be cloaked?
A: You are not allowed to include any adult content or illegal content.
Q: How many urls can I cloak as a Free Member?
A: As a Free Member you can cloak 5 urls. See number of clicks only.
Q: How many urls can I cloak as a Pro Member?
A: As a Pro Member you can cloak unlimited urls. See detailed stats like where the click came from.
Q: Can I remove the advertisement from my cloaked url?
A: Yes you can remove the advertisement by upgrading your account to pro .
Q: Is my personal information protected with your company?
A: Any personal information that you provide to any of our businesses are privacy protected. Your information will never be shared or sold to anyone!